Dermaplaning – How Dermaplaning Can Improve Your Skincare Routine

Dermaplaning – How Dermaplaning Can Improve Your Skincare Routine

If you’re tired of having dull skin, then dermaplaning may be just the thing for you. It involves shaving your face using a sterile blade to remove dead skin cells and peach fuzz.

The treatment also unclogs pores by removing the oil, dirt, and debris that cause breakouts. You’ll notice that your skincare products are more effective because they can penetrate deeper into your skin.

It Removes Dead Skin Cells

Despite being an instant sensation thanks to viral dermaplaning videos, facial hair-removal treatment has been around for decades. The skincare procedure involves a trained esthetician or dermatologist aiming a sterile blade at a 45-degree angle and scraping the top layer of skin, which is often dull and dry. This also helps remove built-up oil, dirt, and peach fuzz that can clog pores and prevent makeup from adequately adhering to the face.

Though it may sound intense, the exfoliation procedure is quick and painless. A numbing spray is applied to the skin before a dermatologist or esthetician uses a sharp blade held at a 45-degree angle to scrape off the outer layer of skin that contains dull, dead skin cells and peach fuzz. The treatment also promotes cell turnover, giving the skin a refreshed look and feel. It also helps serums and moisturizers penetrate the face better.

It Reduces Acne

In addition to smoothing fine lines & wrinkles, regular dermaplaning sessions can also help reduce the appearance of dark spots & acne scarring by helping your skin cells grow more evenly and rapidly. Scraping the scalpel also helps skincare products & treatments penetrate better, and makeup goes on more smoothly.

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Despite what you might have heard about beauty, it doesn’t hurt, especially if you go to a dermatologist or aesthetician for your dermaplaning session. They may even apply a topical numbing cream to ensure comfortable skin.

Some women worry that their facial hairs will grow back thicker due to dermaplaning, but that’s not the case. The hair on a woman’s face, also called vellus hair or peach fuzz, is super fine and can only be seen when it’s very close. Besides, plucking it can cause the hair to turn red and irritated, which would make it look thicker.

It Refreshes Your Glow

Adding dermaplaning Virginia Beach to your skincare routine refreshes your face and helps it look fresh. “It removes all that dead skin and peach fuzz, which makes your complexion look smoother and more even,” says a dermatologist.

They say dermaplaning can also help reduce fine lines and wrinkles and tighten loose skin. However, she warns that you should only do the procedure at home if you have sensitive skin or are an ideal candidate.

If you choose to add this treatment to your beauty regimen, you should follow the aftercare instructions provided by your esthetician. This usually includes limiting sun exposure and applying sunscreen daily.

Dermaplaning doesn’t cause any lasting side effects, but you may notice a slight redness in the days after a session. It also might take weeks to months for the dead cells to fade and your face to look brighter.

It Helps You Prevent Sun Damage

Your skin’s exposure to toxins, pollution, and harmful UV rays takes its toll over time. Dermaplaning helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by encouraging new skin cells to grow while removing old ones, making them more radiant.

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The treatment also helps eliminate fine hairs, commonly known as peach fuzz, which can contribute to a dull complexion and inhibit product penetration. While shaving your face with a blade might be intimidating, it’s painless when done by a professional.

The only thing to be aware of is that your skin may be slightly more sensitive to sunlight after a dermaplaning appointment (or any other exfoliating treatment). Be sure to use a high-SPF sunscreen and reapply often. You should also avoid sun exposure if you have active acne, an open wound, or a flaring rosacea flare. And if you have cold sores, it’s essential to let your doctor know, as dermaplaning can trigger them.

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